These images with very few exceptions, are unique in that the views are not from contemporary photographs or paintings. These are generated using a specialist technique that reveals an accurate reference reproduction of the area of the time in which the scene is set. Therefore, the scene can be composed to include interesting features that have not been captured previously at viewpoints that are not possible to photographers and artists. Once the scene reference is finalised, the process of sketching and painting can commence. Typically, each painting takes about 240 hours to complete.
Prints are on high-quality art paper, signed by the artist and numbered where they are designated as Limited Edition. All the same price @£35 each. Smaller, unsigned prints available. 12" x 8" @£15.00
Worldwide and UK Posted prints are sent in high-quality shipping tubes.
Prints can be purchased directly from the artist using the SHOP on this site . Collection can be made from Neil Marshall Home Studio in Stubbington where some of the originals can also be viewed. Local delivery is also available.
Images shown are low quality web images. Actual prints are high quality showing more detail.
Please indicate if you like an image by pressing the "Heart" at the lower left of each one. Also, please share if you will by using the "Arrow" on the lower right of each image.
All images are protected by the UK COPYRIGHT, DESIGN AND PATENTS ACT 1988. Any reproduction or storage in a retrieval system is strictly prohibited and illegal.
Please click on an image (double tap if using a mobile phone) to reveal details such as price, size, historic context etc.